North Dakota is the best place in the country to do business. We will work to maintain our strong economy and focus on creating value-added jobs across our state.
Good tax policy drives an economy. Bad tax policy will slow the economy. Uncertain policy will ruin an economy. Property tax reform, expansion of the Homestead Tax Credit and simplifying our tax code remain our top priorities.
2nd Amendment
We are committed to protecting our second amendment rights.
Our children are the future of North Dakota and our country. We believe in local control of education so Mandan leaders can make decisions for Mandan students. We will also prioritize strong education funding to ensure that the majority of Mandan Public Schools continue to be from the state, helping to hold the line on property taxes.
Veterans/First Responders
We owe so much to our veterans, those currently serving our country and our first responders. We will always work to ensure that they get the support and recognition that they deserve.
Listening to Mandan
As your voices in the legislature, we are committed to serving you. Whether it is energy impacts, transportation infrastructure, or water project funding – we have worked to ensure that Mandan’s priorities are addressed. We have secured strong support for our community through the infrastructure program known as Operation Prairie Dog as well as state support for essential flood protection and Mandan’s water supply.
North Dakota is the best place in the country to do business. We will work to maintain our strong economy and focus on creating value-added jobs across our state.
Good tax policy drives an economy. Bad tax policy will slow the economy. Uncertain policy will ruin an economy. Property tax reform, expansion of the Homestead Tax Credit and simplifying our tax code remain our top priorities.
2nd Amendment
We are committed to protecting our second amendment rights.
Our children are the future of North Dakota and our country. We believe in local control of education so Mandan leaders can make decisions for Mandan students. We will also prioritize strong education funding to ensure that the majority of Mandan Public Schools continue to be from the state, helping to hold the line on property taxes.
Veterans/First Responders
We owe so much to our veterans, those currently serving our country and our first responders. We will always work to ensure that they get the support and recognition that they deserve.
Listening to Mandan
As your voices in the legislature, we are committed to serving you. Whether it is energy impacts, transportation infrastructure, or water project funding – we have worked to ensure that Mandan’s priorities are addressed. We have secured strong support for our community through the infrastructure program known as Operation Prairie Dog as well as state support for essential flood protection and Mandan’s water supply.